Wednesday 11 September 2013

Textiles 1:2

I enjoyed the textiles class, gaining more knowledge about simple techniques. I haven't done anything textiles based since school as I did fine art and graphics at gcse and I focussed more on fine art and photography at A-Level.
I have been influenced by Sabrina Ward Harrison in previous units of work so I was pleased to see that her books had been laid out for us to look through. It is a joy when looking at her work as it is literally a visual explosion of her mind.
With her work in mind, I allowed myself to explore colours and texture whilst still baring in mind my thoughts from the museum.
I learnt how to transfer ink to fabric, the application of coloured ink and dye and I regained my confidence in the placement of materials and stitching. I also learnt which order is best to apply different materials. By adding colour ink onto the black ink I had just applied it resulted in the black ink that defined the image to run become distorted. I have been reminded that aspects of textiles can be an option for me when producing artwork in the future.

Sabrina Ward Harrison

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