Friday 15 November 2013


Today I visited the UCAS fair dedicated to Art and Design subjects. As opposed to last year, I actually understood the day a lot more and knew what to get from it. Alongside my tutor, I visited the Edinburgh stand as Edinburgh is my first choice. I needed to know what they like to see when seeing online portfolios and what my chances are of becoming successful. I am really worried when concerning my A-Level grades. Although I have A's in Fine Art for both GCSE and A-Level along with a B in GCSE graphics and an A in A-Level photography, I acquired a grade C in English Literature A-Level and they require grade B minimum. I am hoping that my two grade A's in English Language and English Literature at GCSE prove that I am skilled in the subject and I simply had a bit of a knock-back in the final A2 English Literature exam. When I explained this to them, they explained to me that as long as my online portfolio meets their standards, the admissions team will look beyond my grade. They advised me to keep my online portfolio simple and not to try and cram a lot of images into one file. I will bare this in mind when the time comes to submit my portfolio.

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