When uploading my portfolio for Glasgow, I learnt that I had in fact applied for a painting course rather than illustration. This means that my 300 words and online submission of work is going to be meaningless to them. Although this is not good, I am not majorly concerned. I think even if I was to be offered an interview and a place, I would not like to go there. I still have not heard anything back from them regarding an interview.
Edinburgh Online Portfolio
The Edinburgh online portfolio was a great deal more simple than Glasgow's. This I was grateful for as I managed it independently with no problems.
Liverpool John Moores
I was not required to submit an online portfolio for this university however I was immediately offered an invitation. Again, because I was not set on Liverpool, I didn't concentrate on their e-mails and I forgot to accept the invitation. This was extremely unorganised on my part however I would not have of liked to attend the course there anyway. This doesn't excuse the fact that I ignored their invitation as this may have of caused an inconvenience, I will take more care next time.
Camberwell Online Portfolio
In the same week as the Liverpool interview, I began to realise I made a mistake with my choices. I know that I do not want to go to Camberwell, I am annoyed with myself that I didn't put Manchester Metropolitan as an option as if I was to be unsuccessful with Edinburgh that it the only other place I would like to go. With this in mind, I didn't proceed with the online portfolio as I didn't want to get an invitation. I would prefer to prepare for when Edinburgh invite me to interview.
I have not yet heard anything from Brighton